There is no participation if you get a loss due to usage of the available information on the website. We provide the convenience for making the flight booking some discounts as per season availability. In addition to this, we are not accountable for information accuracy for particular products and services. But, you do not keep uncertainty about the flight price. We have the full right to make the deserved change in flight price uploaded on our My booking Flights portal. Do not be upset as we are here to make a change in price error and complete your pending booking.
No matter what carrier works on our website, they work completely on their behalf. It means that they are independent contractors and not a valued asset of our flight booking company. Do not over confused as the rating available on our website falls under the general guidelines. However, we and our associates do not claim the accuracy of these ratings and available products and services. No matter what parties are involved in My booking Flights service, they can make a remarkable change in their website to groom their online business presence. Being a professional, they are not accountable for flight delays, cancellations, strikes, and any other incidents that are not under control.